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Housing Insights Central

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If You're Buying or Selling Property, Check Out These COVID Safety Tips

COVId-19 might have slowed down some parts of the economy, but in many places, the housing market is booming. Right now might be a great time to sell or buy a new property, but a lot of the traditional...

Home Selling Site Zillow Sees Rapid Growth During COVID-19 Pandemic

The website Zillow, which is owned by Zillow Group Inc., reported its third-quarter earnings late on Thursday, November 5. It stated that its earnings beat expectations, and this sent shares of its stock soa...

Housing Shortage Is About to Get Worse

According to an analysis of the real estate market released by an industry watchdog on November 28, America's housing shortage is about to get worse. The combination of a solid stock market, good vaccine news and market-friendly cabinet...

Why Putting Your House on the Market During the Holidays is a Good Idea

Many families are taking advantage of this hot housing market to put their house on the market. While the holidays are generally considered to be the slowest time of the year to list your home, there ar...

Finding Decent, Affordable Housing Is a Struggle for Families

The real estate boom that has gone on for the past few years has shown no signs of stopping. The inventory of new construction and existing homes for sale is at an all-time low, and the prices of homes are at an a...

City of Albuquerque Launches Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless Families

On December 31, the city of Albuquerque announced that it is launching an innovative rapid rehousing model that will provide navigational assistance to more than 200 people who are currently stay...

Read This to Get Caught Up on the Latest News in the Housing Market

There is no doubt that it has been a busy week in the world of politics and news. Lost in all of this have been headlines that may have a great impact on the housing market as we move into the new year duri...

COVID-19 Migrants Wreak Havoc on Affordable Housing in New Hampshire

The housing market in the communities of Littleton and Lakes Region in New Hampshire have gotten more competitive as more people have moved to the area in the past year. Two of the area's affordable housing...

As a first-time homeowner, you are hopeful that the process of acquiring a house will be flawless, and you won't encounter many challenges. You should...

While making such a huge financial decision, you should ensure that you are well-informed. Make sure you are well educ...