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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

House Buying Is Soaring in 2021, but Is It Only for the Few and Not the Many?

As we move out of the global pandemic, house buying is on the rise. California is a leading example of where the housing market continues to soar this year. Yet, in this state and elsewhere in the ...

Creative Village to Create 7-Story Housing Project

Orlando, Florida is one of the most popular and populous cities in America and is ranked the number-50 most expensive city to live in. While it's nowhere near as expensive as New York City or San Francisco, the fact is that...

Affordable Housing Is Difficult for Buyers and Renters to Obtain

Both prospective home buyers and renters across the United States are having a tough time finding affordable housing. In a report about the Ohio housing market issued by the National Low Income Housing Coalitio...

Starting a business is one of the most challenging processes. Before starting one, you must get all the licenses and set aside a significant amount of...

Consider Sharing One Office with A Partner One of the best ways to find affordable office space is by partnering with an...

More High Rise Housing on the Docket

When you think of the word "blight," you likely think of falling down houses, a lot of poverty and despair, and people who were once vibrant but are now struggling. Inevitably, most people who think of blight will also think of a state l...

Just Getting Started in Your Professional Life? Lay Down Your Roots Here

Where you choose to build your life when you are just getting started in your professional life can have a profound impact on your career success. When looking for a place to purchase your first home, ...

Buying a luxury home comes with numerous advantages. For example, you will have different amenities in your compound, which will make your life more c...

However, even if you've bought an ordinary house previously, you need to do a lot of homework when buying a luxury home....

Renting vs. Owning: Making the Right Choice for Your Housing Needs

When it comes to housing, you have two main options: renting or owning. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options. It is important to think through your individual needs and financial situatio...

United States Housing Industry Makes a Huge Comeback

The American housing market has made a big comeback between June and the end of September, according to a report released on October 1. This has happened even though the economy as a whole is still struggling to make gains...