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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets The housing market is on the upswing, and real estate agents are expecting a full recovery post-pandemic. Buyers and sellers are ...

8 Tips to Guide You When Purchasing a Home

Looking for the right house to buy is similar to shopping for any other commodity. You must understand the kind of home you want, thoroughly research, and compare prices before settling on the best one for your needs. Here are eigh...

Bipartisan Senator Meeting Fails to Improve Housing for Military and Vets

America is in a constant state of partisanship, and has been ever since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson split the nation's politics right down the middle under George Washington's presidency...

REITs Are a Great Way to Invest in the Housing Market

Many people who are investing in the housing market will buy properties in order to flip them. The rate of return can be attractive, but it requires a great deal of work on the part of the investor. In addition, supply ca...

Foreclosure: Here are Options When You Cannot Make Your Mortgage Payments

The economy has improved during the past decade. The number of foreclosures has decreased since the last financial crisis. It is noteworthy that foreclosure filings are down 18% which is an improvement ...

These States Will Cover Your First Home's Down Payment in 2020

With home prices continuing to go up in the United States, many people have given up on the prospect of owning a house. However, the tax deductions associated with mortgage interest combined with these great state...

Keeping a Pulse on the Housing Market: How to Make Smart Moves

While no investment is guaranteed, one market has done exceptionally well, barring the Great Recession: Housing. This is because housing is a resource that will always be necessary. Unfortunately, it's also ...

Atlanta Floats Idea of $100 million Affordable Housing Bond

Decade after decade, the city of Atlanta, Georgia has dealt with an increase in their homeless population, as well as issues in offering affordable housing to their growing population. It's one of America'...

Health Crisis Exacerbates California's Housing Crisis

For decades now, California has been open and proud about their large umbrella for any sort of lifestyle, proclivity, nationality, or anything else that can come into the state. They want to redefine what "diversi...