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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

City of Albuquerque Launches Permanent Supportive Housing for Homeless Families

On December 31, the city of Albuquerque announced that it is launching an innovative rapid rehousing model that will provide navigational assistance to more than 200 people who are currently stay...

Best Winter Weather Tools for Homeowners to Go to Battle Against Snow

There is no doubt that old man winter is here to stay for the rest of the season. If you are a new homeowner, you may feel lost about what tools you need to have in order to handle the inclement weather c...

As a first-time homeowner, you are hopeful that the process of acquiring a house will be flawless, and you won't encounter many challenges. You should...

While making such a huge financial decision, you should ensure that you are well-informed. Make sure you are well educ...

Everyone wishes to own a house at some point in their lives. However, buying a home requires proper planning to raise the necessary amount of money. I...

If you are successful in getting a mortgage, you might have to pay back that money until you retire, depending on the ho...

Buying a home is a good investment that will save you a fortune in the future. However, you have to be ready to break the bank to get a spacious home ...

Why go through all these troubles if you can easily find a rental home for your family? The troubles are worth your mone...

Selling a house can be tedious and complicated, especially if you've never sold one before. Without the correct information, you might not know the st...

1. Inspect Your House and Make the Necessary Renovations Even with the proper maintenance, some of your house components...

Starting a business is one of the most challenging processes. Before starting one, you must get all the licenses and set aside a significant amount of...

Consider Sharing One Office with A Partner One of the best ways to find affordable office space is by partnering with an...

Where Will Mortgage Rates Head in 2020?

One of the things that helped the housing market forward in 2019 was the fact that interest rates dropped over the course of the year, making mortgages less expensive. Experts now predict that the good times will persist throughout 2020...

Why Building Homes Won't Actually Solve the Housing Crisis

As you may already be aware, the nation is currently in the middle of a housing crisis. Millions of Americans are finding it hard to get affordable housing, and the American dream of homeownership is out of grasp fo...